Terms of service

[ Chapter 1: General Provisions ]
Article 1 (Application of Terms and Conditions)
These terms and conditions govern the use of Internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as "services") provided by the rental car internet homepage service (hereinafter referred to as "cyber branch") operated by JejuOneRentCar (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). and to define the rights, obligations and responsibilities of users.

Article 2 (Definition)
① Cyber branch refers to a virtual business place set up by the company to trade goods or services using information and communication facilities such as computers to provide goods or services to users, and is also used as a business operator operating the company.
② Users refer to members and non-members who access the cyber branch and receive the services provided by the company in accordance with these terms and conditions.
③ A member is a person who has registered as a member by providing personal information to the company, and is continuously provided with information from the company and can continue to use the services provided by the company.
④ Non-member refers to a person who uses the services provided by the company without subscribing to membership.

Article 3 (Specification and Amendment of Terms and Conditions)
① The company posts the contents of these terms and conditions, company name, office location, representative's name, business registration number, contact information (telephone, fax, e-mail address, etc.) on the initial service screen (front page) of the cyber branch so that users can know it.
② The company may amend these terms and conditions to the extent that it does not violate related laws such as the Act on Regulation of Terms, Framework Act on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signature Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, etc., Act on Door-to-Door Sales, Etc., and Consumer Protection Act.
③ If the company revises the terms and conditions, the date of application and the reason for the revision are specified and posted on the initial screen of the cyber branch along with the current terms and conditions.
④ If the company revises the terms and conditions, the revised terms and conditions apply only to the contracts concluded after the effective date, and the terms and conditions before the revision are applied to the contracts already concluded before that date. However, in the event that the user does not express consent even though the company has notified that "if the user does not express whether to agree to the changed terms and conditions within a reasonable period of time, it is deemed to be subject to the changed terms and conditions", or inevitably such If notice cannot be given, the revised terms and conditions will apply even to contracts concluded before the revision.
⑤ Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the government's e-commerce consumer protection guidelines and related laws or commercial customs.

Article 4 (Provision and Change of Service)
① The cyber branch performs the following tasks.
1. Provision of information on car rental and related services and conclusion of car rental reservations online
2. Rental of reserved vehicles and related tasks
3. Other tasks determined by JejuOneRentCar
② The company may change the contents of the rental vehicle to be provided according to the contract to be concluded in the future in the case of the deadline for reservation of the rental vehicle, change in vehicle specifications, and unavoidable conditions or circumstances. In this case, the contents of the changed rental vehicle and service and the date of provision shall be specified and announced on the place where the contents of the current rental vehicle and service are posted from 7 days prior to the date of provision. However, the company may not make the above notice if there are unavoidable circumstances or circumstances.
③ If the company changes the content of the service contracted with the user for reasons such as the closing of the reservation of the rental vehicle or a change in technical specifications, the company does not compensate the user for damages caused by this.

Article 5 (Suspension of Service)
① The company may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of maintenance, replacement, breakdown of information and communication facilities such as computers, or loss of communication.
② The company does not compensate for damages suffered by users or third parties due to temporary suspension of service provision due to the reason in paragraph 1. However, this is not the case if the company has intentional or gross negligence.

[ Chapter 2 (Membership Agreement) ]
Article 6 (Member Registration)
① Apply for membership by expressing your intention to agree to these Terms and Conditions after filling in the member information in a certain form through the membership application form set by the company or membership sign-up on the homepage.
② JejuOneRentCar registers as a member unless it falls under each of the following subparagraphs among users who have applied to join as a member as in Paragraph 1.
1. Where an applicant for membership has previously lost his/her membership pursuant to Article 7 (3) of this Agreement, except where he/she has obtained consent to re-enrollment of the company three years after losing his/her membership under Article 7 (3)
2. If there is falsehood, omission, or typo in the registration information
3. If the applicant for subscription has bad credit
4. If it is judged that registering as a member is significantly hindering the company's service
5. Persons under the age of 14
③ Membership registration is established when the company's approval reaches the member.
④ When there is a change in personal information such as address, phone number, e-mail, etc., the member must immediately correct it through the website or wired or wireless. Members must bear any disadvantages caused by negligence in managing personal information.

Article 7 (Withdrawal from Membership and Loss of Qualification, etc.)
① Members may request withdrawal from the company at any time, and the company will immediately process the withdrawal of membership, and upon membership withdrawal, the membership level and membership points are also deleted. (Customer information is preserved in case of future problems when renting)
② When a member dies, membership is lost.
③ If a member falls under any of the following reasons, the company may lose membership.
1. In the case of registering false information when applying for membership
2. In case the member does not pay the debts borne by the member in relation to the use of the company, such as the vehicle rented using the company, on the due date
3. Threatening the order of electronic transactions, such as interfering with other people's use of the company or stealing the information
4. In the case of using the cyber branch to act against the law and these terms and conditions or against public order and morals
5. In case of disruption to the cyber branch business
6. Violation of these terms and conditions
7. If your credit status is changed to bad after signing up for membership

Article 8 (Notification to Members)
① If the company notifies the member, it can be done with the e-mail address submitted by the member to the company. ② In the case of notice to many unspecified members, the company can substitute individual notice by posting on the bulletin board of the cyber branch for more than one week.

[ Chapter 3 Purchase Agreement ]
Article 9 (Purchase Request)
Cyber Branch users apply for car rental reservations on the Cyber Branch website by the following method.

① How to apply for reservation on the Internet
1. Enter your name, email address, and phone number
2. Enter the rental date and return date of the vehicle
3. Select vehicle pickup and return locations
4. Select rental car and check rental fee
5. Indication that you agree to these terms and conditions (e.g. mouse click)
② How to apply for purchase by phone

Article 10 (Establishment of Contract)
① The company accepts the purchase request as in Article 9 unless it falls under any of the following subparagraphs.
1. If there is falsehood, omission, or typo in the application
2. If you do not meet the conditions for renting a car
a. Age 23 or older, driver's license for at least 2 years (may vary depending on vehicle type)
② The reservation is deemed to have been made when the rental car reservation at the cyber branch reaches the user in the form of a window including the reservation number in Article 12 (1). Users can receive a summary of the reservation status via email.

[ Chapter 4 Payment ]
Article 11 (Payment method)
The method of payment for rental car reservations or services reserved at the cyber branch can be made in one of the following subparagraphs.
1. Credit card payment
2. Cash
3. Online Pay

Article 12 (Receipt Confirmation Notification, Purchase Request Change and Cancellation)
① The company notifies the user of the reservation confirmation when the user completes the car rental reservation.
② The user who received the reservation confirmation notice may request change or cancellation of the purchase application immediately after receiving the reservation confirmation notice if there is any discordance in the expression of intention.
③ When there is a request for change or cancellation of a purchase application from a user prior to car rental, the company will process the request without delay.

[ Chapter 5 Cancellation, Refund ]
Article 13 (Refund, return and exchange)
① After the user has completed the vehicle reservation, if the vehicle cannot be delivered or the service is not provided due to a vehicle malfunction or computer error, the company immediately notifies the user of the reason, and the vehicle rental fee or service is not provided in advance. If the payment is received, the contract cancellation and refund procedure will be taken within 7 days from the date of receipt of the payment, otherwise within 7 days from the date of occurrence of the cause.
② In the case of each of the following subparagraphs, the company immediately refunds, returns, or exchanges at the request of the user within the next business day after receiving the returned vehicle, even if it is a rented vehicle. However, the request period shall be within the scheduled date of return of the vehicle from the date of delivery.
1. If the reserved vehicle is different from the user's order or information provided by JejuOneRentCar
2. In case the reserved vehicle is damaged or damaged (except when the vehicle is damaged due to reasons attributable to the user)

Article 14 (Personal Information Protection)
① When collecting information from users, the company collects information necessary to fulfill the purchase contract. The following items are required and the others are optional.
1. Name/Phone number/E-mail address/Driver's license/Others

- When taking over a vehicle, a driver's license is taken to sign the contract, and the driver's license number, date of birth, and photo are collected.
2. (For members) Desired ID (for members) / Password (for members)
② When the company collects personal information that can identify a user, it must obtain the user's consent.
③ Provided personal information cannot be used for any other purpose or provided to a third party without the user's consent, and the company bears all responsibility for this. However, with the exception of the following cases.
1. In case the insurance provider of the vehicle is informed of the minimum user information (name, address, phone number) required for the insurance contract
2. In cases where it is necessary for statistical writing, academic research or market research, it is provided in a form in which a specific individual cannot be identified
3. In the case of notifying the driver of the user's information for car rental business
4. If there are special provisions in the law
④ If the company is required to obtain the user's consent pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3, the identity of the person in charge of personal information management (affiliation, name, phone number, other contact information), purpose of collection and use of information, and information about third parties Matters stipulated in Article 16, Paragraph 3 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, etc., such as matters related to information provision (recipient, purpose of provision, and contents of information to be provided), must be specified or notified in advance, and users may withdraw this consent at any time.
⑤ Users may request to view and correct errors on their personal information held by the company at any time, and the company is obliged to take necessary measures without delay. If a user requests correction of an error, the company will not use the personal information until the error is corrected.
⑥ The company or a third party who receives personal information from it destroys the personal information without delay when the purpose of collecting or receiving the personal information is achieved.

Article 15 (Obligations of Cyber Branch)
① The Cyber Branch shall not engage in acts prohibited by the law and these Terms and Conditions or contrary to public order and morals, and shall do its best to provide goods and services continuously and stably as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions.
② Cyber branches must have a security system to protect users' personal information (including credit information) so that users can use Internet services safely.
③ The cyber branch does not send commercial e-mails for commercial purposes that users do not want. We will no longer send advertising e-mails to unwanted users.

Article 16 (Obligations for member ID and password)
① Except for the case of Article 15, the member is responsible for managing the ID and password.
② Members must not let a third party use their ID and password.
③ If a member recognizes that his or her ID and password are stolen or used by a third party, the member must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions, if any.

Article 17 (Obligations of Users)
① Users must not do the following.
1. Registration of false information when applying or changing
2. Changes in information posted on the cyber branch
3. Transmission or posting of information (computer programs, etc.) other than the information set by the Cyber Branch
4. Infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyrights of cyber branches and other third parties
5. Actions that damage the reputation of cyber branches or other third parties or interfere with their business
6. Disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, voices, or other information that goes against public order and morals on the mall
7. Acts that the company deems inappropriate, such as providing information that distorts facts
② If the information in each subparagraph of the preceding paragraph or other information that the company deems inappropriate for the operation of the mall is posted on the mall or posted in a place linked to the mall, the company deletes the information posted on the cyber branch without the consent of the person who posted the user or other information. Links extended to malls can be severed. However, the cyber branch is not obliged to delete such information or cut links.

[ Chapter 6 Others ]
Article 18 (Relationship between Cyber Branch and Linked Homepage)
① When a cyber branch is connected with a hyperlink of a sub-website (e.g., the target of a hyperlink includes text, pictures, and moving images), the former is referred to as a linking site (website), and the latter is referred to as a linked site (website).
② The connected mall does not take responsibility for guarantees for transactions with users based on goods and services independently provided by the connected mall.

Article 19 (Attribution of Copyright and Restrictions on Use)
① Copyright and other intellectual property rights for the works created by the company belong to the company.
② The user shall not use the information obtained by using the company for commercial purposes or have a third party use it by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent of the company.

Article 20 (Dispute Resolution)
① The company establishes and operates a damage compensation organization to reflect legitimate opinions or complaints raised by users and to compensate for damages.
② The company prioritizes complaints and opinions submitted by users. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the user will be immediately notified of the reason and processing schedule.

Article 21 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
① Lawsuits regarding electronic transaction disputes between the company and users can be brought to the Seoul District Court.
② The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to electronic transaction lawsuits filed between the company and users.
③ When renting a car at a cyber branch, the company may request a financial credit information inquiry instead of a separate guarantee procedure, and may cancel the rental if the customer does not agree to this or if the credit status is not normal.

[ Special Rules ]
Article 1 (Rules other than Terms and Conditions)
Matters not specified in these terms and conditions are subject to the provisions of the Framework Act on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signature Act, Door-to-Door Sales Act and other related laws. Article 3 (Payment in Overseas) As in Korea, when making a rental car reservation abroad, you must pay with a credit card approved by the company. The company is not responsible for reservations and use of rental cars abroad.
Article 26 (Overdue)
① If payment by credit card for vehicle rental or service purchase is overdue, the terms and conditions of the credit card company designated by the user will apply, and if the credit card company informs the company of invalidation or denial of sale, the company immediately The user's use of the company is temporarily suspended (the use of ID and password is suspended), and the user is contacted to confirm whether or not the payment method has changed from the following month.
② If the contact information submitted by the credit card member to the company cannot be reached, or if confirmation is not made by the specified date, the company will cancel or terminate the contract with the user and disqualify the user.
※ The copyright for these terms and conditions belongs to the company (JejuOneRentcar), and unauthorized copying, distribution, transmission and other copyright infringement are strictly prohibited.

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